The most important purposes for travel

Suitable luggage

Before preparing the necessary items for travel, the luggage must be suitable and practical for the person's trip, so it is advised to be of good quality and match the types of luggage approved at domestic and international airports. [1]

Important papers and documents

Travel and preserve them in case the original documents are lost or stolen, so that it is easy for the person to prove his identity, and is not subject to problems, and it is advisable to store information and passwords in an application on the phone and name the file in a vague name, so as not to be found in case the phone was stolen .

Clothing, shoes and accessories

Clothing, shoes, and other accessories take up more space in the bag, and to make sure you take all the items, it is recommended to read the following list to determine the necessary items in the trip:
Summer and winter tops.
Formal and casual shirts.
Trousers, shorts.
Dresses, skirts.
Hats, gloves, scarves. Umbrella.
Shoes for walking, official, suitable for weather such as snow boots or sandals.
Wallet, folding bags, official document holder under clothes, laundry bag, small laundry package.
such as stain remover, laundry soap.
Belt. Precious jewelry is placed in a portable pouch.

Personal Care Tools

In order not to forget the person traveling any of his personal important purposes, it is recommended to read the following list:
brush and toothpaste.
Dental floss.
Hair brush.
hair moisturizer.
Hair styling devices.
The sun visor.
Hand moisturizer.
Medications such as medications intended for head pain, and other prescription drugs for a person.
First aid ointment.
Insect repellent.
Adhesive wounds.
Hair forceps.
nail scissor.
Shaving equipment.
Female hygiene products.
Face lotion,
Makeup, makeup remover.
Hand sanitizer.
Contact lenses,
solution for keeping contact lenses.

Additional tips

The tips from the baggage mechanism for any trip you make will make it easier to: Make a list of the activities and offers to go while traveling; to take only the necessary items and clothes you will need. Wear the same clothes on the return journey, and wear heavier clothing such as coats, shoes, and jackets to leave extra space in the bag, and stay warm because the heat in the plane can be low. Put personal care items, such as shampoos and creams in small packages, to provide more space in the bag and can be disposed of when completed before the return trip. Pack the clothes that the person will actually wear, not what they think they will wear, and choose pieces of garments that fit different formats It is also advisable to choose light clothes that are easy to wrap in the bag rather than fold them to save more space. It is recommended to wear the heaviest pair of shoes during the trip, and put the lightest pairs in the bag.You can also use the shoes by putting socks and underwear in them to take advantage of the vacuum in them.