Follow these five tips to reduce travel stress

Work plays a pivotal role in most people's lives. So many people take time off to get away from work stress and daily routine. Hence, vacations are fun activities coupled with happiness compared to work activities. But holidays can lead to unhappy experiences due to travel pressures and poor planning.

When planning to travel abroad, there are many concerns such as choosing a safe destination, making sure your passport is valid, and visa requirements to the destination.

Some of the conditions associated with travel should not be ignored, such as the weather, the strike of airport workers or transportation, as well as the cancellation of some flights, loss of baggage, congestion, problems caused by misunderstanding with others, illness, and other causes of travel stress.

Nada Badran offers 5 tips to reduce travel hassles

1. Take a picture of your luggage before traveling, you may lose it or be stolen.

2 - Carry with your personal effects a copy of your tickets and hotel reservations, because some airline or passport staff at the airport may request to see these documents to ensure that the passenger intends to leave the country after the visit, note that the lack of these documents may result It deprives travelers of travel.

3 - Make sure the date of validity of the visa, which may be ambiguous to some, as the visa contains two dates, the first of which is when the traveler is entitled to enter the destination and when he must leave. The second date is the number of days that a traveler is entitled to spend in that country within the validity of the visa.

4 - must ensure that there is sufficient time between flights if the traveler requires traveling in several airports, or what is known as transit. An important fact must be remembered that flights are subject to delays on take-off and landing, so any delay on the first of several flights will expose the passenger to delays on subsequent flights.

5. Reservation of consecutive flights on aircraft of different airlines requires more time at the airports. The passenger is solely responsible for these arrangements. If you arrive at the next airport late after your second flight, remember that the airline may refuse your request for a refund, and you may have to buy a new ticket.

I hope that you have benefited from these tips for air travel, and wish you a happy journey back from you as you are more active, happier, and less affected by the pressures of travel.